Monday, August 6, 2012

Wei Shan's Advanced Birthday Celebration

Received impromptu message from Leo asking me if I wanted to celebrate Wei Shan's birthday early as he will be having exams for the coming week. Despite me just recovered from fever, I still agreed to go and even brought up the idea of giving her a dinner treat. Although she forgot my birthday(you can click the link to read the sad post if you're interested) last year, I thought like, 冤冤相报何时了(means an eye for an eye leads to no endings) so just forget it.

Hearing that we were giving her a treat, of course she wouldn't let us off so easily and she chose Italian cuisine(what a smart ass lol).  I joked by saying I'm only gonna pay an extra $20 on top of my own share and Leo said it wasn't even enough for tips. Frankly speaking, I'm like, "wtf, this time pocket sure one big hole.", I didn't said it out because I didn't want to spoil the birthday girl's mood.

So Leo brought us to Galbiati Gourmet Deli at Rail Mall.

Simple interior

Olive oil with some black sauce in a special container.

The moment we opened the menu, I scolded Leo, "wth, the price quite okay what, still say what $20 is not enough for tips. Can buy one main-course somemore!" and Leo blamed me by saying, "Like that sounds more Atas mah. Wei Shan will be touched.". No touch, only cold sweat cos I'm expecting every dishes above $30. -_-

Can finally camwhore after making the orders.

The food that we ordered

Bisque di Aragosta -- $8
Lobster bisque
As the ladies only select our own main course, the rest of the decisions were made by Leo. The moment the waiter served this on our table, the seafood smell was so overpowering. I never like seafood and I had rashes on my body hence I really don't wanna risk having more rashes after drinking the soup however the waiter assured me its just pure Lobster soup. Thanks Leo for making the decisions without asking our opinions.

Ok, for the taste, it would be unfair to ask someone who doesn't like seafood to judge this bowl of soup. Both Wei Shan and I don't really like it due to the strong seafood smell. Wei Shan only drank half bowl of it and I finished it all as every single drop was money and there were quite a few pieces of lobster bits in the soup. lols! However, Leo finds it delicious. So I think seafood or lobster lovers would love this.

Antipasto Misto -- $32
There are two plates of platter for this.
The first one: hams, cheese, salmons and hams with melon.
The ham with melon at the back corner of the picture was really delicious! The ham was abit salty but the melon was just right to make the taste perfect. The rest just tasted okay in my opinion.

second platter: Sauteed mushrooms, grilled eggplant, asparagus, cucumber and steam egg.

I think the highlight of this dish is the steam egg. I don't know what this exactly called but the egg tasted like the filling of the egg tart without the crispy crust. The taste was just right, not too sweet like normal egg tarts. The rest tasted average.

Tagliolini ai Funghi -- $18
Angel hair pasta tossed with sauteed mushroom, garlic, herbs and olive oil
Basically this dish taste and look exactly like fried noodles just that its in Aglio Oilo style. Quite tasty with generous amount of mushroom slices. However, I think its not worth the price.

Arrosto di Manzo -- $21.50
A slice of roasted beef with black pepper served with gravy and gratin potato.
Wei Shan and Leo's order. Even though Leo's one was rare and Wei Shan's one was medium rare, surprisingly her steak was much bloodier than Leo's one. Both of them managed to finish everything. So it should taste not bad.

As I mentioned earlier, Wei Shan didn't finish half of the lobster soup. The waiter asked us if we didn't like the soup so I just answered honestly that we can't really take the strong seafood smell. To our surprise, they didn't charge us for the three bowls of lobster soup!

I felt quite bad la because the problem lies with us, totally not the soup at all. I am impressed with the service! Its not really an atas restaurant yet they are making effort to ensure that customers will like their food. Total bill was around $120 excluding the three bowls of soup. Definitely going back to try their desserts next time!

Galbiati Gourmet Deli
The Rail Mall
400 Upper Bukit Timah Road,
Singapore 678050
Tel: 64620926

After dinner, headed to Marina Barrage to fly kite. We were lucky that it was very windy that night and there were lots of people flying their kites.

One of the dominating kite in the sky. Its damn big and filled with lights.

The kite was way taller than me when placed on the ground
Wei Shan even joked that if we went over and danced in front of the kite, its sufficient to be a mini Ge Tai already. lols.

While we were fascinating over the "Ge Tai" kite, Leo looked so pathetic trying to fly our kite.
We damn bad. We kept comparing and laughing at him like how quick the Ge Tai kite could fly up and his kite still lying on the floor even after 10mins. wahahaha

See he so poor thing, I went to help him.

During the first time I ran around the field a few times but the kite just couldn't fly. This was my second time and it was really fun because the kite just flew up effortlessly, don't have to run at all.

Leo kept asking Wei Shan to take artistic shots of him

till the extent that Wei Shan was really annoyed and took this picture of him.



and Leo decided to take revenge by taking an artistic shot for Wei Shan in return. LOLS!

It is always fun to see the both of them bicker.

Leo managed to fly the kite so high that it reached the extreme end of the string and he was so proud that he kept asking us to take pictures of him to celebrate his success.

Acting like the kite's gonna pull him away.

I donno why he did this but I told him there was no way I'm going to touch that string reel again.

of course this picture is taken before the picture above

Overall, it was quite a fun experience to fly kite at night. There were even couples lying on the grass looking at the starry and colorful sky. I'll do it next time with my boyfriend if I'm blessed to find one. lols!


Christine Valerio said...

The food looks yummy :)

Drew Watts said...

Hey! I have also booked one of the Los Angeles event venues just like this for my birthday celebration. Anyways, it’s a really nice post and loved the pictures. It is definitely a mouth-watering post. I simply loved that you shared all the food items here. It’s yum!