Tuesday, July 31, 2012

First Visit to Gardens by the Bay

Finally after one month, Xiu Xuan took the initiative to meet up with us because she is always so busy with work, dance and studies. I told Xiu Xuan that if she still doesn’t contact us, Leo will be gone forever. Lols. You know the lecherous pig from Journey to the West? 

Here's a picture of him

Yes, Leo is exactly like him, seduced by beautiful girls at his office, till the extent that he may not even remember who his parents are. LOLS!!

Okay, back to the topic. This is our first time visiting Gardens by the Bay ever since it first opened. I don’t understand what’s with the big whooha that everyone goes rushing to the place whenever a new attraction is built.  As if the attraction will run away.

The conservatory complex comprises two cooled conservatories, the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest.
Print screened the admission fees from its website.
Frankly speaking, I don’t think I’ll pay $20 to see plants. I’m quite interested in walking the skyway though. Seems pretty cool.

Went during late night to take a look and took stupid pictures. There was nothing much to see(probably it was too dark for us to explore). We were more interested in taking pictures with the animal statues rather than the trees/flowers.

Xiu Xuan the crocodile hunter

 Leo getting bitten on the ass because he is such a pain in the ass. lols
Before taking the pictures we were discussing what pose we should do. Right after he did this, I scolded him.

Why did I scolded him? Because he knew that I'm going to put my head in the croc's mouth and he still purposely put his ass there before me! and yes, there were people laughing at our stupid poses. lols



Spot an idiot on the right.

Showing off my Sadako-long-hair
Need to cut my hair real soon, too long and it looks kind of scary.

Xiu Xuan and I
See the blue lighting above us? That's the skyway. Gonna walk on it some day.

Leo kept saying it is beautiful to lie down and see the view

Xiu Xuan joined him plus a group of ladies at the back.

I love this group picture.
I think it'll looked really nice if only Leo didn't do such a 下流 pose here. LOLS.

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