Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Teeth Dropping in Dreams

Have you ever had a dream that your teeth is falling out from your mouth?

It happened to me last night. Every time I bite my teeth together, I could feel the teeths shaked vigorously and eventually spitting them out. Yeah, not one teeth, but most of the teeths in my mouth. In fact, I had this kind of dream quite a few times already till the extent that I am worried whether these dreams signify something bad is going to happen to me.

Therefore, I went to google about it and guess what, I just typed, "teeth falling" and the first result is about teeth falling out in dreams. Seems like alot of people are having the same dream as me.

If you had the same dream before, I am going to tell you what are interpretations for this dream. To my surprise, they are actually quite accurate!

Anxiety about appearance and how others perceive about you:
  "One theory holds that dreams about teeth, and losing teeth, are a reflection of the dreamer’s anxiety about his or her appearance, and about how the dreamer thinks others perceive him or her. This interpretation is certainly valid, especially since we live in a society that seems to value physical beauty above all else. Since a good set of teeth play an important role in physical beauty, it is easy to see how uncertainties about one’s appearance could manifest themselves in dreams about losing teeth."

This is so true! All my friends know that I've been very worried about the pimples on my face. Some of them find that I'm overreacting but trust me, I have so many pimples that they look like a world map printed on my face. They are not so visible to my friends because I always covered them up with makeups. I shall blog about this next time. But those pimples really made me worry about my appearance that I don't even dare to step out of the house. Seems like it is affecting me too much that cause me to have this kind of dreams.

Loss of power:
"Another theory holds that teeth in dreams represent power, since they are used in real life to tear, chew, and bite. Therefore, the loss of teeth in a dream represents a perceived loss of power or influence. People who feel frustrated, or who feel that their voices are not being heard, may have dreams about losing teeth. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some situation or relationship in your life. "
Yeah, definitely feels inferior to have those little red devils on my face. =(

There are also different types of teeth dreams. For entertainment purposes, I'll list down for those interested!
Pulling teeth:
" Dreams of this nature can suggest that you are being pulled into something that you don’t like. If you know of anyone in your life right now that is causing you to do something you may not want, then you might have the answer.  Though, if you are the one who is pulling out your teeth might suggest you are pulling yourself way to hard and need to slow down. If a doctor is pulling on your teeth in your dream you have overlooked going to your doctor for way too long. "
credit to Dream Dictionary

Rotting teeth:
" It symbolizes our anxieties of the events and people that surround us at this given moment. Rotting means something is going bad and your involved, hence your teeth.  Knowing who was in your dream with your or the location your at can point to a rotting situation."
 credit to Dream Dictionary

This means that in your dream, if someone is with you when your teeth is rotting, this means that person might the cause or associate with some on-coming bad events.

Broken teeth:
" If your teeth are chipped or broken can mean many things depending on what events that are happening right now in your life.  Broken or chipped dreams imply that something in your life needs more attention before it falls apart. Sometimes we experience these dreams when we are trying to fix something that might be broken, like our relationships. If your dream involves somebody breaking your teeth than that might suggest that somebody is trying to break you down.  It is also possible that you might need to keep your mouth shut.  If you notice somebody with a chipped tooth suggest that you might feel bad for that person. "
credit to Dream Dictionary

False teeth:
" Having “False Teeth” in your dream means breaking rules or lying. Did you say or do something that ended up hurting somebody? Did you tell a secret where you were told not to tell? Did you say something that was inappropriate? Try and look at if you broke a promise to somebody in your past and it might help you understand why you had this dream of your false teeth. False teeth can mean that your covering up or lying. "
credit to Dream Dictionary

Spitting out teeth:
" Spitting out your teeth in dreams are pretty common and it generally happens to people who are older. This dream can mean that you are afraid of getting older and loosing your looks. If your always concerned about your looks or afraid of getting old you will be getting this dream more than once in your life. Another meaning to this dream can imply that your are admitting something that you have held back for while and you expressed it in a direct manner. "
credit to Dream Dictionary

You don't have to believe and take it too seriously. Can just use it for reference if you happened to have a teeth dream. =)

1 comment:

Ionic Software Services said...

Thanks for sharing it is a Very Informative page, I hope it will be useful for all of us, teeth falling out dream psychoanalysis is almost experienced by everyone in a lifetime and we always heard that dreams have some meaning.