Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fullhouse Cafe

Yin Mei suggested to go Fullhouse Cafe which is located at Rendezvous Hotel. Basically the cafe is divided into a few areas according to the layout of a house. For example, living room, master bedroom, outdoor garden, balcony etc. I really loved the dreamy-homely feel and decor of the cafe. Its really cute!

Grabbed the map from the cafe's website.

Entered the restaurant from the "car porch" area where the colorful mini cooper is parked and the staff told me to go up to the 2nd level. The 1st floor is catered for pastries and bar whereas the 2nd floor is the cafe serving main-courses. I thought the 2nd level is directly linked to the 1st floor however there is no stairs leading to the 2nd floor within the restaurant(maybe there is but I didn't notice it, I can be blur at times). It only leads to the lobby of the hotel. Thats when I realised that I had to exit the cafe and take the escalator up from the hotel lobby. Should have entered from the hotel lobby rather than the "car porch".

There are even family portraits at every corner of the "house"

We were sitting at the living room area

Cute menus with comics at the back pages to keep people occupied while waiting for food

Tea that my friends ordered.
I can't remember what exactly the left one is. Something plus peppermint. The right one is just pepper mint tea. My friends said the something plus peppermint taste better. haha. Oh yes, would like comment about their honeydew milk shake. They are quite famous for their honeydew milk shake and a few tables ordered that as well. Yin Mei ordered it but we both think that it tasted okay only and its not sweet enough.

As I was late, they ordered the food first hence I don't know the name of the dishes. Shall let the pictures do the talking.

I can't tell you how the pastas taste as I didn't get to try it but I assume it taste pretty alright since my friends finish up the entire dish. Personally, I seldom order pastas in restaurants unless I have really strong cravings for it, its a special creation from the restaurant or nothing else in the menu look appetizing enough. My mentality is that if I have to eat pasta, might as well go pasta mania to eat. More choices and specialized i think?  I am not a food critic who has the ability to appreciate every food distinctively. Like how Q the spaghetti or how rich the sauce must be. All pastas just taste similar to me, I can't tell which restaurant serves better pasta in cream sauce for example. Scumbag tastebuds. lols. I just want to have a dish that is special for my liking and is value for money.

Fish & Chips with Wasabi
The most "safe" food I would say. Fish & Chips are everywhere and they usually taste around the same. But what really made me cross out this dish from my mind is WASABI. I hate its pungent smell! Last time I always ordered Fish & Chips everywhere I go because I don't wanna take the risk of eating something that might taste bad and Sok Min would always said, "Fish&Chips AGAIN!". So now I've learnt to order other kinds of food unless I'm really lack of choices. =)

Oven Roasted Chicken Parcel
This exquisite dish that I've ordered is a chicken meat ball around the size of a fist, stuffed with mushrooms and chicken pieces. It is rested on top on mash potato with chinese herb sauce to complete the taste. The chicken pieces are quite tender. Taste a bit blend just by eating the meat alone and thats where the herb sauce is there to create magic to the dish. If only they give a little bit more herb sauce for me to mix with the mash potato, it will be perfect.

I'm done introducing the dishes, time for pictures!

The guys(Wyman, Terry and Ping Hong)

Yin Mei and I

After we were done with our dinner, the one last important thing to do was to take pictures with the Mini Cooper! Thats my main aim for visiting the cafe. haha

Overall I'm quite satisfied with the cafe. Thanks Yin Mei for the recommendation! I really regretted not taking more pictures of the cafe because there is so much to explore and camwhore. We were too pai sae to walk around other people's tables and take pictures. Definitely wanna go back some other day again.

Fullhouse @ Singapore
9 Bras Basah Road, #01-04,
Rendezvous Gallery, Singapore 189559
Tel: 63366328


Went Bugis+ previously known as Illuma with my cousin and they happened to have "The Dark Knight Rises" showcase.

Damn cui, my first time wearing slippers to Bugis.

1 comment:

Willis Ee Wei Jie said...

Chanced upon your blog on innit. Thanks for your info on the fullhouse restaurant/cafe, this will be added to my to-go-eat list. Anyway, do drop my my blog at sometimes. (: