Just sent Sok Min, my primary to polymate off at the airport yesterday. She will be studying at Switzerland for one year before coming back to Singapore. Before that, we had quite a few outings to enjoy good food and times together.
Bah Kut Teh & Haagen Dazs:
We went 鸡公煲 at Sultan Gate to try out their herbal Bah Kut Teh. There was quite alot of customers as compared to other shops hence we thought their food might taste good. We ordered mix Bah Kut Teh, organ soup and you tiao.
To our disappointment, the you tiao were cold and soggy, not crispy at all. Sok Min even said that it taste funny. They have the pure Bah Kut Teh which is just the pork ribs and the mix one which includes the pig's organs. Since my dear girlfriends love pig organs, we ordered the mix one even though I totally hate pig's organs and is sensitive to its smell. This might be the reason why I find the soup too strong for me.
In addition, they ran out of salted veggies that day! To me, it is the most important dish to go with rice and Bah Kut Teh. I can simply just eat a meal with just a bowl of plain rice and salted veggies. My future husband will be so happy as he just have to feed me with these and I won't complain. lols.
BUT their pork ribs are really good!! Soft and tender. Just take a small bite and the meat will be separated from the bone effortlessly.
As I'm really 不甘心 that I couldn't get to taste my salted veggies, we decided to go over to the famous Outram Park Bak Kut Teh at Havelock Road. It is near Tanjong Pagar Railway Station.
Grabbed this picture from google search.
Seriously, how could we still able eat after a round of Bah Kut Teh?! lols. Felt abit pai sae even when blogging about this. Hey hey, we just bought one small bowl of soup, rice and salted veggies to share. Anyway, I love this one much more than the 鸡公煲 cos this shop serves those peppery soup instead of the herbal one. Also, I get to eat my salted veggies! Craving satisfied. Most importantly, their soup is refillable! Drink till drop! haha
As we had no idea where to go, we headed over to Haagen Dazs at Holland Village for desserts. *hides my face in shame* I know we are really eating too much. WAY TOO MUCH. lols.
Flower Blossom
A crunchy waffle basket cuddles a harmony of six Haagen-Dazs flavors - Vanilla, Strawberry, Coffee, Chocolate, Strawberry Cheese, Cookies & Chocolate ice-cream - dressed with hot fudge and raspberry sauce.
Bliss in a heavenly dish of Dark Chocolate Orange, Belgian Chocolate,
Tiramisu and Macadamia Nut ice cream, Raspberry Sorbet and Mango Sorbet
with chocolate and strawberry sauce.
I loved their Cookies & Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Orange ice-cream the most!! Yes, I'm a DARK chocolate lover. Notice I emphasize the word dark cos I cannot stand those milk chocolate that are too sweet.
Took a Polaroid using yin mei's camera
Everything With Fries and Winebar:
Another outing was with Sok Min's Polymates. Though we were from different class, Vivian was kind/sweet enough to include Yin Mei and I as she knows we are Sok Min's good friends.
Here's Sok and Vivian.
Grilled Pork Chop

Heard from my polymates that the pork chop was rather hard.
Tandoori Chicken Sandwich
Manage to take a exchange a small bite from Yin Mei. I think it taste pretty good with well-cook meat and not-too spicy sauce.
Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich
Quite not bad initially but taste rather dry after a few mouthfuls of it. I love their fries- Vinegar with salt! I think it taste e best as compared to other flavours.
discussing about uni stuffs.
Group pic
Group pic from another angle
Meet up with Xiao Yan
Half of the group went home while the other half went to Winebar for a drink as Sok Min wanted to try out their Plum shots. She just loves anything salty and sour.
1-for-1 shots for Citibank card users.
Each of us drank 3 shots left WineBar as the crowd was madness. Thats exactly what we call TGIF! Bought a bottle of Jack Daniel from Holiday Inn and went over the bridge to drink. Chatted and played some games.
We were the last group still on the bridge and people gave us half a bottle of Jagermeister.
They offered us Vodka as well but we only took the Jagermeister as we could not finish our Jack Daniel. Nicholas and Yin Mei went to buy Redbulls to mix with it. Jagerbomb, all of us love it except Sok Min and Yin Mei.
I was kind of tipsy and high after all those drinks. I don't even remember how many cups I had drank. I do remember two malay guys came up to us while Yvonne and Vivian were puking at the side. We offered them the leftover Jack Daniel. They said they were gays and the guy in yellow pants even asked me if he looked weird in his clothes. lols.
We left the bridge around 2am plus. I wanted to enter Zouk so much but nobody wanted to go in with me. =( I think that since my dearest Sok is leaving and we were abit high with the effects of alcohol, we should just go inside and have a crazy night for the last time. Maybe its just me who was feeling high. lols. So ended up taking cab home with them.
Yvonne, Sok Min and Vivian
I look damn cui here.
Currently Sok Min is at Paris enjoying her holidays with friends before going over to Switzerland. Have been seeing her for so many years and out of a sudden she will be off my sight for one year. I was telling Yin Mei that I'm gonna miss Sok. Yin Mei still assured me that one year will pass with a blink of an eye and replied me cheekily, "I can see her in 6 months time cos I'm flying over to visit her!".
I know, I can visit her too but I am not really interested to go western country yet. Definitely once in a lifetime I must go but not so soon. I still gotta repay my bank loan for studies. Traveling over there needs around $10000 I guess. I would rather use the $10000 on plastic surgery. Sorry Sok, I do love you, but I love myself more. forgive me. LOLS!
She is just away for two days and I'm already starting to miss her! Will need time to adjust and nobody will come bugging me to go out anymore. Though sometimes we have conflicting opinions or cannot tahan each other, we do enjoy each other's company.
Sadness aside, I am happy for her that she is stepping out of her comfort zone and exploring something different. Its time for me to find and walk my own path. One year without her will be torturing, but I believe the day when she landed on Singapore, hopefully we will all be a better person and our friendship will be much stronger. At least I hope all my pimples will be gone by then. lols!
Take care my dear friend, wish you all the best and I will see you one year later. =')