Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve Party @ Zicra!

Every Chirstmas I would prefer to avoid crowded places as I hate to squeeze with people. However, this year one of my friend suggested to go clubbing for countdown. We usually go The Arena but I insisted to go some new place as the age group there is quite old and the songs are not that great too. I wanna see some young hunks and pretty girls around my age group! hahax. yes yes, I do look at girls as well. hiak hiak. Initially we queued at Rebel but it was all the way till the taxi stand hence we gave up after 1 hour since the queue was moving too slowly. So we ended up at Zicra. 

We were lucky to reach 15mins before the countdown and 3 of us decided to open a bottle of Johnie Walker as we wanted to have a table. 

Think back, we were really crazy. 3 ladies to finish the whole bottle and it was not cheap! $268 + $34 cover charge. Hard core drinkers. lols. 

Sok Min and Yin Mei

Yin Mei even bought a christmas hat for us!

Getting High~ hahax

I have quite a sexy leg here huh~ lols!

 And they took these pics while I'm at the toilet! =(

Overall it was quite a fun experience and it sort of activates my craving for clubbing! Now is the prime age and status(being single) to have fun!!

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