Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Friends Come and Go

Everyone have friends but to find one who will always be there for you be it rain or shine, it is really difficult. I am quite an introvert and do not open up to people easily. I do have a bunch of good friends but never did I ever have a best friend, a person whom I can share and do everything with. I know it is a matter of choice, whether you are willing to open up to people but because I know the sad reality that friends come and go, I'm skeptical of opening up to people.

In recent years, I thought I found someone who is able to melt down my defensive heart. During these 8 years, she had done quite alot of stuffs for me, for example, making handmade album and video for me during my birthday. But I never really do anything for her as I'm never a creative person. Therefore, this year during her birthday, she treated me to the universal studio and I did a photo album with 50+ of her photos from child to adulthood. In addition, I personally delivered the present to her house at 12midnight on her birthday. I hope this will be able to compensate her for what she had done for me in the past and it was also a day where I officially regarded this person as my Best Friend For Life(BFF). Previously we had some misunderstanding and was in cold-war for like more than 6months. In the end we managed to settle things out and I thought this will made our friendship stronger than before.

However, I was proven wrong during my birthday. Some people said that the birthday wishes that people post on facebook walls are the most insincere type of wishing someone. I do agree to a certain extent but it never failed to make me feel touched when I see people whom I have not contacted for ages actually take the effort to post a birthday wish on my wall. Since it is the most insincere type of birthday wishes, of course this BFF of mine did not leave a message on my wall, however did not I hear anything from her as well. 1 day after my birthday, I received a facebook message from her. I thought she was going to wish me a belated birthday. It turned out that she wanted me to help her to buy her pageant tickets as she was behind quota. Ok, the pageant thingy was a school event and its her cca thus she needed to sell the tickets. Can you imagine how disappointed I was? I'm not a person who value birthday alot but I do at least hoped that my so-called-BFF would say a happy birthday to me. 

I didn't reply that facebook message after that. 2 days later, she posted this on twitter 

"I am a horrible friend! I completely fgt abt my BFF/ 11 yrs childhood friend's birthday till 3 days later ! Happy 22nd:)".  -(fyi @hui_jing is my twitter user name)

and the "best" thing was, she said she'll give me a treat after 15dec which was after her pageant event. I know she was really busy for the event but if me, is so-called your BFF, I think no matter how busy you were, you will at least meet up for a simple dinner. Thats not all. The next day, I received a sms from her. So I thought that might be an apology message or something. But no, it was once again, her plea to persuade me to buy her pageant ticket. Now its already 21st dec, her event is over and I have not hear anything from her. I thought, "ok, she might be busy" but I was proved to be wrong again as her twitter and facebook were all about meeting up with her CCA friends. The sad thing is, this simply proves that she don't feel bad for forgetting my birthday at all and she just can't be bothered.

Initially I wasn't really that pissed off until I put herself into my shoe, meaning if I were the one who forgot her birthday, she would definitely blame me for the rest of her life as she was a person who values alot about her birthday. I can only say that I am utterly disappointed with her and there is nothing I can do or will do because its meaningless now. I will forgive her but I'll never forget this incident.

Am I being too petty? I don't know, I need to vent out my anger somewhere and I'll be fine again. Anyway, I will still continue to learn to open up to others because you never know, your potential friend might be around you at any time.

"When someone leaves the door, leave it open for someone else to come in."

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