Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me and my blog

Have been thinking of a date to start my new blog and I decided to do it on my birthday. Though to me, my birthday is nothing special except that I tend to get frustrated and emotional easily during this month. That's why I always feel that my birthday is a disaster. Moreover, as you get older, you don't really like birthday unless you have a special someone who will make the day so special that you will look forward to it.

This year, Snsd Girls generation's concert falls on my birthday. I was really tempted to get the ticket as I thought its a sign for me to watch it. Furthermore, who can resist the girls dancing sexily with their perfect legs. But in the end, I didn't buy the ticket as this few months is pretty tight for me and my friend only have tickets for the mosh pit area. Didn't bless with a tall height, I wouldn't want to risk the financial cost of watching Snsd with people's head and body blocking my view. Was abit disappointed for not going for the concert and my lecturer decided to give me a present by giving me a marketing test on this day. Heck the test, I'm not gonna study it on my birthday!! Procrastination, I know but the mood just not there.

Cannot see their concert, see pictures lor~!

My wishes for this birthday are:
  1. The usual and standard ones.
    My dad and I will stay healthy and well. Sickness is really a horrible thing. Also, I hope to get good results for my final exams. This will be my last year in UOL and I hope I'll stop procrastinate and give my one last best shot.

  2. Win a great fortune.
    Please bless my dad to win a big Toto or 4D. I wish for a rich life where I can go for plastic surgery, drive a sexy sports car, have endless shopping and oversea trips. Plastic surgery is the main thing I wanna do! I have already done my research and I'll fly to korea for the operation, now i'm only lack of money!! Okay, maybe winning a fortune is too unrealistic. At least bless me to get a good job after I graduated so that I can save for my operation and dream car!
Lastly, Happy birthday to me! Hope that after this day, everything will go smoothly and good things will happen on me. =)

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