Last Sunday, I was invited to attend the exclusive Johnnie Walker Circuit Lounge 2012 at Gardens by the Bay, Flower Dome. Thanks to Yin Mei, who is always so enthusiastic in participating contests to win tickets for party events!
The stylish entry pass and card case.
There was a time where I was working part time at an insurance company dealing with credit cards privileges, a customer called to enquire about getting tickets to this event. I overheard my colleague said that it was an exclusive event and there was no way to buy the tickets. At that moment, I was like smiling to myself thinking, "hell yeah, I'm going to the event. neh ni neh ni poo poo." LOLS. I even saw someone's blog saying that the tickets were sold for 1k online. Thats how exclusive this event was.
As Yin Mei won four tickets, she invited Xiu Xuan, Leo and I along. We met up early to get a parking lot at Marina Barrage and headed over Marina Bay Sands for dinner.
With our pass
Had our dinner at Au Chocolat. You can read my reviews about the restaurant here.
I ordered Duck Confit again. Under my influence, Xiu Xuan ordered the same thing too. It is simply a dish to die for!!

Gave Leo a small piece of my Duck Confit to try and he regretted his choice of ordering the beef stew. That explains his sad face here. lols. As usual, Yin Mei skipping maincourse to eat crepes instead. This time we ordered truffle fries to share. I LOVE THEIR TRUFFLE FRIES. Especially with the mayonnaise and bbq sauce. Heavenly~

After dinner, it was time to paint the town red! Everyone was queuing outside the circuit lounge to take pictures with the beautiful ladies.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Here it is.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Classy interior of the circuit lounge
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
One of the photo booth for participants to sign a pact on "Never drink and drive".
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Besides attending the event for free, there were freeflow of Johnnie Walker cocktails as well! Drink till we drop! Three special cocktail creations for selection.
Left to right: Singapore Soda, Johnnie Yuzu Sour and Walker Colada
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
I loved the Yuzu Sour the most. Its a very refreshing drink with sweetness and a tinge of sour taste. Singapore Soda taste weird with pandan syrup and felt like vomiting after a few mouthfuls. lols. As for the Colada, it was too creamy due to the coconut cream. I believe most people at the event did prefer the Yuzu Sour as well because I wanted to get my second cup after trying all 3 flavours, they ran out of it. Luckily they did serve coke+black label, something for me to drink through the night. haha
In addition, their photo booths were amazing. The "join the pact" photo booth enabled us to take pictures and to sign the pact by pressing the laser and waving the wand like magic! The "wand" don't even need to touch the screen.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
The best thing about it was that all pictures taken from the photo booths would be automatically posted on your facebook wall just by inserting your entry pass into the machine. So high-tech right?! Fyi, before the event, we were required to register online using our facebook page.
Uploading pictures on our facebook
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Another photo booth with different backgrounds for selection
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
My cute friends
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
There was one part where Xiu Xuan, Yin Mei and I came back from the toilet to see Leo in a depressed state. He told us that two hot girls came to him and asked if he was alone but he replied that he was with friends so they ended up joining another table. He regretted like hell. LOLS!
Deejay Ray Ray from Taiwan
Hot right. haha
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
One of the highlights of the night, the launching of Johnnie Walker GOLD Label.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.

Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Credit to Johnnie Walker facebook page.
Decided to play some games as we were abit bored.
The person who lost would have to take a picture with people from another table and Leo insisted that it had to be people of the opposite sex. Thats what he have been wishing for, to compensate for the incident earlier. More like a benefit than forfeit. I don't know if I should feel fortunate or the other way round because I seldom lose when playing drinking games but that day, I lost terribly.
Look at his smile. So happy. lols.
I guess deep inside I'm quite happy. My hand and smile show it all. LOLS.
This group of guys happened to stand beside our table, so I just went forward and asked for a picture. Don't know where I got my courage from. I guess I was getting high after all the drinks. One of the caucasians was kind enough to take a group photo for us.
I even asked the waiter for help.
One of the guys even put his hat on my head.
Xiu Xuan asking the crew to help as well.
Forfeit never felt so great like this. lols!
Yin Mei is normally the one losing especially playing 7-up but this time she only lost one game!
This guy join us for the game as well.
Leo continue to lose the game.
The lucky Xiu Xuan, this guy quite good looking. hahaha!
When I saw this picture, I'm like wtf, like some boss with his mistress.
The last forfeit
A picture with Xiu Xuan's friend who happened to be there as well.
Yin Mei acting cute. hahaha
Last picture at the photo booth before we left the place.
Johnnie Walker, Keep walking.
Overall, it was one hell night of fun! Freeflow of drinks, finger food and photos!! It was the first time where I'm a goner, totally had no recollection of some incidents that happened that night. Blame myself for drinking 7 glasses of cocktails + 1 full cup on the rock. But at least NOT till the extent of lying flat on the floor and require my friends to carry me out. LOLS.
To be frank, I was abit shocked when I saw some of the forfeit pictures. Like why I looked so slutty in some of them. LOLS! I even thought of not uploading the pictures on facebook because my relatives might have negative things to comment. In the end, I still uploaded anyway because I think its okay to just party and have fun. Its not like I was making out or hugging with guys in the pictures. My conscience is clear, I don't have to answer to anyone and thats probably one of the perks of being single.
Once again, thanks Yin Mei for the tickets and my friends for the awesome experience!!! =D
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