Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Short Update: Working Part Time

Yes, like the title implies, just started working part-time through agency. Previously, I’ve sent around 10 resumes and I got no replies(Received a call for interview the next day after I posted this). I thought maybe I should find a part-time job while waiting and searching for a full-time job to earn some money. Who knows, I only applied 1 temp job and within 30mins I received a call from agent.

Today is the 2nd day of work. So far, so good. At first was abit stressed as the colleagues teach quite fast and expect me to 一点就明. Sometimes I'm too free that I might be idle for a few hours but the General Manager’s room is right behind me and I have to keep acting busy even when I’ve nothing to do. Lols.

Oh ya, my Managing Director is a German and he is very friendly. Always smiling to his employees. Got one time I need to walk pass him in a small area, he even stepped aside and let me through first. So gentleman! He totally has no MD airs. 
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being Barbarella here. lols
 *I self-caption this. 

Just that previously I worked part-time in a Japanese company and the Japanese MD was totally different from this MD I am working for. The Jap MD really looked like those big bosses in dramas. Stern with strong aura. So I am amazed at the difference.

Anyway, I am glad that my in-charge is quite a nice man and he told me that tomorrow will be a busy day for me. I am more than happy to accept the workload with open arms provided that it’s not too complex for me.  Time will pass faster this way. Initially they require me to work at least for 2 weeks but my in-charge informed me that I will only need to work till this Friday as they’ve found a full-timer. Don’t know if I should be happy or sad about it.

Looking at the bright side, it might allow me to focus on looking for full-time job. Everytime when I reach home, I just wanna lay flat on my bed and sleep. Always ended up too tired to look for jobs.

Its frustrating that most companies want to hire someone with qualifications BUT with experience as well.  But how do you expect a fresh graduate to have at least 2 years of working experience? I am willing to learn, but are companies willing to give me a chance? Aiya, I understand that companies prefer to hire someone with experience so that they don’t have to teach everything from A-Z about the position.

Furthermore, I know clearly that I’ve no extraordinary skills and have returned all the things I’ve studied back to school. In fact I felt ashamed, like what’s my degree for. That’s when I realize a degree is really worthless. Maybe its just me. Lols.

One thing I have to admit, the main problem lies with me as well. There are all kinds of jobs, its whether I am willing to take it or not. For example, there are a lot of sales-related jobs but I won’t even lay my finger in this field because I know I can’t articulate well and convince clients to buy from me though the pay is high due to commission earned. I managed to find some interesting jobs such as being a visual merchandiser but they don’t require a degree holder to do it unless you don’t mind getting paid $2000 per month. Obviously I do mind because I need to pay bank loan for my school fees. After paying bank loan and deducting cpf, seriously not enough to save for the future. Woes of being a poor degree holder. Also in some cases, just by looking at the amount of job scope/responsibilities automatically make me click the cross on the top right hand corner. Its like, “one person how to do so many things?! 做死人 meh”.

Note to self: This will be my first permanent job and I won’t rush to find one because I’ll be spending at least 2 years in the company to gain experience. So better take time to find a job that I like. All good things are worth waiting for. God might be saving a nice job for me. =)

Okay. This short update is not short at all and I need to sleep already. Bye~

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