Friday, June 8, 2012

Lunch with Polymates!

I'm glad that I was late as the girls were waiting for Wan Ting at OCBC to have lunch together. haha. As Wan Ting only had 45mins break, we quickly rushed to J Cube and had our lunch at Manhattan fish market.

Xiao yan asked me to cover my face with my phone to cover the pimples on my face. lols

Boon Kee and Xiao Yan

with Gwen and Wan Ting. Donno why I've got a big-small eye here.

Group pic. Thats why I hate to sit at the front, makes ppl look fat.

Shortly after, Wan Ting went back to work and the rest of us continues our chatting session. Main topic of the day was Taiwan! Xiao Yan and Gwen were kind enough to fill Boon Kee and I with lots of must-try foods and their shopping experience. I feel sad for Boon Kee because her Taiwan trip is during December whereas mine is next week. LOLS. I'm so pump up for the trip!

the 2 fastest toilet user

Gwen the 3rd

Lastly me, forever taking the longest time in the toilet. haha

Xiao Yan feeling proud of her cute shoes and mine beside hers.

Gwen went back early and Jing Yu came to join us. Congratulations to her as she is becoming an air stewardess! With her pretty looks and height, I'm not surprised at all, the job fits her perfectly. Both Xiao Yan and Jing Yu asked me to try out as well. I wonder if they were being courteous or provoking me, I know clearly, I'm not a air stewardess material. The cruel reality of my height already remove this career from my dictionary. How sad~

While waiting for our food and drinks, cam whoring competition starts!

the difference between heaven and hell. lols

Trying to take artistic shots

I'm inside the small screen! haha

Boon Kee and Xiao Yan's grape flavored snow ice. The jellies look like jewels.

I quite like Boon Kee's new hairstyle, I think it suits her quite well.

Ending the post with a picture of me.


g s.min` said...

Pretty air stewardess!!! So damn cool!!! Which airline she is working for??

There will be rainbow said...

g s.min: SilkAir!