Thursday, May 31, 2012


Last Saturday went picnic with friends at west coast park. Woke up in the morning to Giant at Imm with sok min to buy the ingredients for picnic. I'm preparing sandwiches while the guys prepared some fried food. Too much food was prepared and we had alot of leftovers. Especially my sandwiches. Made me waste time preparing and they only ate a few pieces. #$%^^#&%@%^&*$.

 Food prepared by the guys
Playing some breaking chopstick game

Kite flying

 Cam whoring while the guys tried to fly the kite

 The girls turn to fly kite

 Immediately gave up after a few attempts as it was really tiring to run around the field

Trying to hide from the camera. Look so wrong here. lols

Lastly, I love this pic! haha

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