Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Value of Money

A few days ago, my boss was talking about the value of money which kept me thinking. Value of money not in Economic terms, but people’s perspective towards the value of money. Especially when we try to put a price in our relationships, be it towards partner, family, friends or mentor.

For example, when buying a birthday gift to a close friend. We often get too focused on the price of the gift rather than the value of the gift. We weigh the value by keeping to the budget on the price of the gift that particular friend had bought for us previously, instead of weighing the value on the friendship and focusing on the effort in searching for a gift which that friend will like, even if may cost a little more.

On the other hand, I am guilty that at times, I tend to spend more on others (going party with friends) and try to “save” by giving lesser to our love ones taking for granted that they will understand. Initially I thought it is “saving money”, however it’s wrong. The thing is, we can spend a little lesser on restaurants/cafes/beers/cabs to spend a little more on others who are worth to make them a bit happier.

The value of money is to make sure the money that we spent is worth something, which is investment. How many times we will buy meals/gifts for their mentor(someone who have helped or guided us) to show appreciation and gratitude? Honestly, sometimes we spend too much money and time with people who doesn't even help us to be a better person or you might even question if they will still be there 3 years down the road.

Yes, spending money on your bosses might get you more opportunity. However, the thin line is between trying to curry favour and showing gratitude. That is a grey line. It is our attitude that defines which side we are on.

Saving all our money wouldn’t help us to gain more money. It is just like, you have more food because you starve yourself. At the end of the day, you have more food but poorer health or even die. Quite a stupid example but you get what I'm talking about. haha.

I need to learn how to invest my money. I don’t mean by literally investing all my money in buying stocks, property or insurance. These are just one of it to invest to get more monetary returns.

Some money are meant to be spent. Investing a little money to show gratitude to our love ones who are always there to support us. Investing money to show gratitude to our mentors who spend their time and effort to give us knowledge, skills and opportunities. Not telling you to spend all your money blindly but being less calculative towards love ones.

In addition, I need to invest in myself more. Spending money to learn new or improve skillsets, read more books, buy more clothes to dress with confidence, sign-up for gym membership to keep fit, spending more time with the right people. These will help to add values in me in order to earn more income, opportunities and better relationships in the future.

My boss said,  小钱不出,大钱怎么会进来 and I believe in this.

I want to list this down, so I can always look back and remind myself. Hopefully, someone can find meaning in this post and share with me how they feel. :)